Seinfeld Actor Phillip Baker Hall Has Died Aged 90

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The Actor Had Played The Roll Of A Librarian In Various Episodes Of The Classic American Sitcom

Phillip Baker Hall: The actor best known for appearing on Seinfeld in 1991 as Mr Bookman, has died at the age of 90.

On the show, Mr Bookman accused Jerry Seinfeld of not returning overdue books.

Mr Hall also starred in Modern Family, The West Wing with M*A*S*H icon Alan Alda, and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

The actor also had rolls in movies like The Truman Show, Zodiac, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and Rush Hour.

The Seinfeld TV Twitter account paid tribute to the actor stating: “The great Phillip Baker Hall will forever be remembered by Seinfeld fans as the hard-nosed librarian/detective: Mr Bookman.

Hall had a long and impressive career as one of Hollywood's top character actors, his talent will be cherished”.

Alan Alda paid tribute to his former co-star by tweeting: “The world has lost another TV and movie icon, from The Truman Show to Curb Your Enthusiasm, and of course The West Wing.

I had a wonderful time working with Phillip Baker Hall on the set of The West Wing, he will be missed”.

His death was reported to have been peaceful, surrounded by friends and family in his Glendale home in the US State of California.

Mr Hall is survived by his wife, four daughters, four grandchildren, and brother.