Liverpool F.C. And The Culture Secretary Demand Answers After Fans Were Tear Gassed And Pepper Sprayed By French Police

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French Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra Blamed A "Mass Gathering" Of Supporters With "Fake Tickets" For The Chaos At The Stadium.

Mass gatherings, fake tickets, and hooligans.

Those were the three excuses French sports minister Amelie Oudea-Castera claimed were the reasons why Liverpool fans were tear gassed and pepper sprayed, before and after the Championship League Final against Spanish heavyweights Real Madrid.

If the fans weren't saddened by being gassed by French police, it was that for all their effort, Liverpool lost to Madrid 1-0 at the Stade de France Stadium in Saint-Denis.

Both football clubs, British and French authorities, UEFA, Stade de France security, Saint Denis Police, and Liverpool's mayor Joanne Anderson have launched investigations into police conduct and how this can be prevented from ever happening again.

All have come to different conclusions, concerning the cause of the scenes that unfolded in Saint Denis.

UEFA blamed it on the late arrival of fans, Liverpool F.C. blamed the Stade de France for being “Inefficient”, Real Madrid blamed Liverpool supporters for being “Animals”, the British government claims French police antagonized fans, Saint Denis Police blamed drunken fans for showing up inebriated, and Joanne Anderson said that: “Both parties are at fault”.

Anglo-French relations have been muddied by BREXIT, Northern Ireland, and Illegals crossing over the Strait of Dover.

But this has taken the biscuit and/or croissant, with Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron getting into a heated phone call after both Prime Minister and President saw the footage of fans being gassed and sprayed.

The scenes that unfolded are a devastating blow for France's legitimacy as a “Hosting Nation”, as they're due to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup and the 2024 Summer Olympics being held in Paris.