Russian Foreign Minister Accuses US of Impeding UN Resolutions on Gaza Ceasefire Deal

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the US of blocking UN ceasefire resolutions between Israel and Hamas, criticizing a US-sponsored resolution as ineffective. Despite a brief truce in November, efforts to secure a lasting agreement have stalled, with ongoing disputes over Israeli troop presence in Gaza.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused the United States of obstructing UN Security Council resolutions aimed at achieving a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

Following a discussion with his Egyptian counterpart on Monday, Lavrov expressed that Russia supports any measures to end the violence. He claimed that the U.S. is unwilling to support decisions that would lead to a ceasefire.

Lavrov criticized the U.S.-sponsored resolution that supported a ceasefire plan, labeling it as an "empty piece of paper" and noting that Russia abstained from voting on the resolution. He stated, "No promises of the United States were fulfilled."

A truce in November led to the release of numerous hostages held by Hamas. However, subsequent efforts to reach an agreement have repeatedly failed, with both Israel and Hamas accusing each other of making new and unreasonable demands.

Hamas is advocating for the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has maintained that troops must remain in the Philadelphi corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border.