Hitler's Wrist Watch Sells For $1.1 Million In US Auction

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The Jewish Community Decried The Auction Which Was Themed Around Nazi Artefacts From WWII

A Huber wrist watch made especially for former German Chancellor and Nazi Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, has sold at an auction in the United States for $1.1 Million (£900,000).

A selling price that was below the guide price of $4 Million (£3.3 Million).

A petition to the Alexander Historical Auction House signed by over 35 Jewish leaders in the US and Israel pressured the auction not to sell the watch, but the Maryland based auction house told them: "Our aim is to preserve history, if you or us destroyed the watch then it would be lost and forgotten by future generations".

The item description for the timepiece says it was given to Hitler on his birthday in 1933, the same year he became Chancellor in the Reichstag.

It goes on to state that the watch was looted from his Berghof getaway spot in Bavaria by French soldiers as a war trophy, and has been sold, bought, and resold numerous times.

Other Nazi items sold at the auction included Wehrmacht loo roll, Herman Goering's champagne glasses and cutlery, and Eva Braun's dog collar worn by her pet Terrier.

Profits from Nazi items sold in the auction have been announced will be donated to various Holocaust museums across the US, EU, UK, and Israel.