Experts Sign a Statement Warning of the Risks of A.I.

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A group of CEOs and top Experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence have signed a statement regarding the risks of extinction by A.I.

A group of top Experts and CEOs in the field of Artificial Intelligence have signed a statement warning of the risks of Artificial Intelligence. One such Expert expressed the following:

“…mitigating the risk of extinction from A.I. should be a global priority among other societal scale risks such as Pandemics and Nuclear War….”

The G7 group of leading economies, the EU and the US have all been holding meetings trying to work out how to tackle the challenges. The word that keeps coming up is “regulation” as governments around the world including the UK are racing to try get the right rules in place to ensure A.I. Companies continue to behave responsibly and make their products accordingly.

Yet, not everybody thinks that Humanity is automatically doomed however, we have already seen some really positive benefits of Artificial Intelligence. Just last week we had an A.I. tool discover a new Anti-biotic and also had it used to build a micro-chip which has helped a paralyzed man to walk again just by thinking about it.

One of the A.I. Leaders has told Top Accolade News that he thinks that his product should be considered as a tool and not a creature and I think if the regulators can keep things like that and use it as a helpful tool without being malicious then it could resolve lots of problems and find some answers to issues that we currently have in society.

Of course, the problem with regulators is that they are not renowned for being nimble as they can move pretty slowly and this evolution is happening so quickly at the moment. Therefore, there is a question about whether any regulator both territorial or global body will be able to keep up with the pace of the developments.