Dishi Rishi Promises To Restore Public Trust In The Conservative Party

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The Former Chancellor Of The Exchequer Has Announced Promising Tax Cut Schemes To Aid Britain Adapt To The Cost Of Living Crisis

The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has pledged to restore public trust in the Conservative Party, after months of public ridicule and condemnation being thrown at the Tories for Partygate and the Anglo-Rwandan Trade Deal.

Sunak has proposed large tax cuts for those most effected by the ongoing cost of living crisis, mainly families and pensioners.

He has also announced that he will not demonise Boris Johnson, who has taken the roll of Interim Prime Minister until a new one is found.

With Rishi Sunak stating: “Did I disagree with him?


Is he flawed?

Yes, and so are the rest of us.

Is it no longer working?

Yes, and that is why I resigned.

But I will have no part in a political culture that seeks to tar and feather Boris.

That's why I believe that I'm best placed to bring the party back together, but also reunite the country.

Because ultimately that's the most important thing to do”.

It's estimated that over 30 Tory MPs have thrown their hat into the ring for Prime Minister.

Including Liz Truss, Priti Patel, Michael Gove, Matthew Hancock, and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Labour have announced that it will be: “Pushing the red button”, calling for a no confidence vote in Parliament tomorrow.