Pope Francis Embarks on Extensive Asia-Pacific Tour

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The 12-day visit marks Pope Francis' first major trip abroad this year. The journey underscores the increasing significance of Asia and Oceania to the Catholic Church.

Pope Francis is embarking on the first significant international trip of his papacy this Monday. The 12-day journey will take him to four countries in Southeast Asia and Oceania.

The 87-year-old Pope will commence his travels in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, which is also home to 8.6 million Catholics. Following Indonesia, he will visit Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore. Among these destinations, East Timor stands out as the only country where the majority of the population is Catholic.

This trip marks Francis' first major overseas travel of the year. Due to health issues, including his frequent use of a wheelchair, the Pope has been limited in his international travel in recent years.

Originally planned for 2020, the journey was postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This trip, together with last year's visit to Mongolia, underscores the increasing significance of Asia and Oceania for the Catholic Church. This region is notable for its growing number of adherents.