Rains and Landslides Claim at Least Nine Lives in Southern China

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Landslides triggered by heavy rainfall and flooding have claimed the lives of at least nine people across southern China, coinciding with a drought affecting northern parts of the country. Authorities have initiated rescue operations, and several individuals have been evacuated from affected areas.

Heavy rains and resulting landslides claimed the lives of at least nine individuals in Southern China and caused power disruptions in several villages, authorities reported on Tuesday.

The torrential rains began on Sunday, with 372.4 millimeters (14.7 inches) recorded over a 24-hour period. In Wuping county, Fujian province, four people lost their lives due to landslides. Xinhua news agency stated that more than 300 houses collapsed, and over 2,000 acres of crops were damaged in the county.

In Guangdong province, near Hong Kong, at least five people died, and fifteen others were reported missing.

Meizhou city experienced power outages affecting over 130,000 households, with neighboring towns and villages also impacted. "Five people have died and 15 are missing" near Meizhou, according to CCTV.

Over 1,100 individuals were evacuated from Guizhou province due to the severe weather conditions.

Flooding of the Hanjiang river in the Pearl River basin affected fields and homes in the area.

Jiangxi province received an average rainfall of 24 mm from Sunday to Monday.

In Chongqing, heavy rains caused water levels in five rivers to rise by 1 to 3 meters, as reported by CCTV.

Local authorities stated that rescue operations are ongoing, with three helicopters deployed in search and rescue efforts. Warnings and advisories have been issued in various localities.

Meanwhile, the northern part of China is grappling with a drought. The capital Beijing and other northern regions have been experiencing high temperatures. The national weather bureau has forecasted rainfall in the coming 10 days.

Last month, China faced floods resulting in fatalities and missing individuals, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management.

Scientists attribute extreme weather events like floods and droughts to greenhouse gas emissions, with China being one of the world's largest emitters.